Membership Terms and Conditions
There is currently no cost for members or sponsors to participate in this group. Enrolment is open to any current GT-R owner, but private Facebook group is exclusive to NC/SC GT-R Owners. Members will receive email updates on upcoming events and member only exclusive offers.
The Facebook group page can be used to post classified (local) individual sale ads, post reviews, recommend referrals, share media and organize GT-R Crew events.
Members are prohibited from promoting other clubs or club events without prior consent, using Facebook group page to promote a business or retail products and/or targeting Carolina GTR Crew members for any reason. Harassment, shenanigans and trolling will also not be tolerated.
Applicants must become an approved member before taking advantage of sponsor offers. A list of monthly sponsor updates will be provided by email and/or available upon request by contacting Members should communicate their membership involvement to sponsors at time of scheduling appointment. We request first consideration to our participating sponsors for products and/or services is evaluated for professional maintenance and upgrades.
Carolina GTR Crew maintains the right to deny membership acceptance for any reason without explanation or justification. Carolina GTR Crew operates under a warning system and is monitored by our members. Being a member of Carolina GTR crew is a privilege and membership rights and access can be removed at any time, upon management agreement, for not complying with group rules or failure to participate. We require a minimum level of participation in group involvement in order to maintain membership.
We look forward to your application and meeting the expectations of our future members.